Monday, September 16, 2024

The SBA and PROpose




to make an offer or suggestion, especially of marriage.

to form or consider a purpose or design


from Latin proponere to display, propound, from pro- before + ponere to put, place





The proposed SBA 7(a) guarantee fees reflect a substantial increase for loans greater than $1,000,001.


Effective October 1st the guarantee fee for loans of $1,000,001 to $5,000,000 will be 3.5% of the guaranteed portion of the loan up to and including $1,000,000, plus 3.75% of the guaranteed portion of the loan over $1,000,000.


The guarantee fee for SSBCI guarantees remain at 2.5% for guaranteed portions up to $2,500,000 plus 2.25% of the guaranteed portion over that.    The maximum SSBCI guarantee goes up to $5,000,000.


It would be proficuous to know the distinctions.







SBA 504 Loan Debenture Rate for September


For 20 year debentures, the debenture rate is only 4.45% but note rate is 4.517% and the effective yield is 5.833%.

For 25 year debentures, the debenture rate is only 4.45% but note rate is 4.499% and the effective yield is 5.765%.




Prospicient prognostications proliferate with our procurators of interest rates, the Federal Reserve.


The Fed’s next meeting on monetary policy concludes September 18th.


30-Day Fed Fund futures pricing data have long been relied upon to express the market’s views on the likelihood of changes in U.S. monetary policy.


Here are the Futures Implied Fed Funds

Sep-30-2024       5.19000

Nov-29-2024      4.67500

Feb-28-2025       3.81500

May-30-2025      3.28500

Aug-29-2025       2.94500

Feb-27-2026       2.77000

Aug-31-2026       2.81500


What does all this mean?


I don't know.


The current fed funds target rate is 5.25% to 5.50%.   Fed funds futures imply a target rate probability of 55% for a ¼ percent drop in the target rate.


The long end of the yield curve prognosticates inflationary expectations and ultimately market rate expectations.


Last week’s auction of 30 year treasury bonds the high yield was 4.015 percent versus 4.314 percent a month ago.


This lower yield was despite a reduced offering of $22 billion compared to $25 billion a month ago.


Non-dealer bids accepted accounted for 84 percent of the total, suggesting OK demand.


More procellous promulgations on the yield curve’s continued inversion is profligate.






September 17th is the annual Mid-Autumn Moon Festival on the Chinese calendar.


This is one of the first harvest festivals of the year. Its history reaches back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD).


The full moon rises at sunset around this date, allowing farmers to harvest well into the evening. It takes place on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar calendar, when the moon is at its brightest and fullest, coinciding with harvest.


In America, it is called the Harvest Super Moon, when the moon is closest to the Earth, making it appear larger than normal. It is so close that the moon will appear full for three straight nights. This year, that takes place less than a week before the fall equinox on September 22.


The word “equinox” comes from Latin aequus, meaning “equal,” and nox, ”night.” On the equinox, day and night are roughly equal in length.


After the autumnal equinox, days become shorter than nights as the Sun continues to rise later and nightfall arrives earlier. This ends with the winter solstice, after which days start to grow longer once again.